712 Water resistant cyanoacrylate
Permabond is excited to introduce 712, a cyanoacrylate adhesive with low viscosity and excellent water resistance which has successfully passed rigorous 85/85 automotive ageing tests. Once cured, 712 exhibits exceptional underwater resistance and performs well in hot and humid conditions, making it a unique addition to our product range!
Key Features:
Good water and heat resistance
Fast cure (within seconds)
High strength
Bonds effectively to most surfaces
User-friendly application
Permabond 712 forms strong bonds on various substrates, including metals, plastics, and rubbers. Its adhesion to rubber is particularly advantageous, considering that many underwater adhesive applications such as pipe seals, gaskets, and valve seatings make use of this substrate.
Aside from water resistance, 712 offers excellent thermal resistance, maintaining 80% strength after 100 hours at 120°C on mild steel. It withstands continuous exposure to this temperature and can even endure brief periods at 150°C. The adhesive also boasts great resistance to humidity and moisture, retaining 90% of its strength during 85/85 testing (85% relative humidity / 85°C). Additionally, it exhibits excellent chemical resistance to oils and automotive fluids.
Target Applications & Benefits of 712 Water-Resistant Cyanoacrylate:
Permabond 712 is ideal for various applications, including:
Applications needing to withstand continuous water exposure
Rubber seals and gaskets for pipes
Rubber seatings in valves
Automotive interiors
Sports equipment
Prosthetics and disability aids
Jewellery & embellishments
Household appliances (e.g., fridges and washing machines)
Other benefits of this adhesive include a rapid, room temperature cure, high bond strength, and easy dispensing. It can be dispensed by hand or used with automatic dispensing equipment, facilitating a faster production process. The cured adhesive is clear, colourless, discreet, and solvent-free.
It's important not to use primers or activators (e.g., Permabond POP Primer or QFS16) before applying this adhesive, as they may interfere with its water-resistant properties.
Permabond 712 is competitively priced, providing financial savings, along with process and production efficiency, in addition to its performance benefits.
So, water-you waiting for? If you're looking for a cyanoacrylate that offers cost savings, performance improvements, and long-term durability for underwater or environmentally exposed bonded joints, look no further! Contact us to learn more about pricing or ask any questions you may have.